For cheap home pest control Australians have many options but if you have a spider or termite infestation that needs to be dealt with quickly and efficiently, using chemicals that will not harm the environment, you have come to the right place. Although we aim to provide a speedy service this does not mean that we rush into anything and we will always discuss the options with each individual client before formulating a plan of action.
We are committed to protecting the environment and therefore only use synthetic pyrethroids as they are far less harmful than the alternatives that many companies use. However, we understand that the cost will be the most important factor for many people when selecting controllers to deal with termites and other problems, and when choosing our pest control company, Brisbane residents will enjoy competitive prices.
Lastly, for people wishing to purchase a new property, it is so important to identity issues before making a commitment, our joint pre-purchase buliding & pest inspection team sends one pest expert and one builder expert, not just 1 person to do both, so you have the peace of mind that the property you are purchasing will not cause you headaches down the track or you are made fully aware if you are about to purchase a whole lot of trouble.
Peter Zimmerman
Pest Control Technician & Owner